Use Your Voice, and Own It
Oct 28, 2023When I joined a coaching program a few years ago, my destiny intention was to be AUTHENTICALLY CONFIDENT and have a voice to stand up for myself. I knew that I was a strong, independent, successful woman. However, I seemed to lack this voice. I ran away, and shrunk, rather than speak powerfully and confidently. I questioned what I said and what I did, over and over. I let people into my life that take advantage of my kindness and allowed them to disrespect me.
I resonated with an invisibility pattern, and cut off relationships and didn't look back. I was afraid to speak my mind and my truth. This showed up for me in romantic relationships, friendships and in my career.
In June of 2021, I had a big AHA moment that really aligned me with my purpose.
In my room, in the background of my Zoom calls, you can see a picture of my grandmother, who was my favorite person in the world. She had a stroke when I was a baby and lost her ability to speak, other than with “D” sounds (dee dee dee...doo doo doo). She lived with us as I was growing up and we communicated beautifully, even though she didn't use words.
On that day in 2021, I was toasting to her picture, and connecting with her energy. And at that moment, I “heard” this: She lost HER voice and I’m struggling to find MY voice. She was saying to me “Speak loud and clear and own it. What you say and what you do matters. Use your voice.”. Because she couldn’t.
My grandmother was a strong, independent woman who ran her own business. She passed this strength down to my mother, who passed this down to me.
I dedicate my service to her and my lineage of strong women who need to feel empowered to have a voice.
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